Monday, February 2, 2015

notmovingpictures Episode 030

Time for another solo episode and this time, well I decided to just cover quite a few issues. There were no shortages of douchebags to draw my ire as of late and I decided to unload on all of them at once. First up is the tale of recently demoted Catholic Cardinal Raymond Burke who blames a feminized church for sexual abuses, hell he blames feminists for turning men gay and making them sexually abuse children. Then it's on to Duke University where a proposed once a week Muslim call to prayer was savaged by Franklin (son of Billy) Graham. Next up was the suit filed by the Oklahoma and Nebraska Attorney Generals against Colorado for having legalized marijuana. After that it's Sheldon Silver, the New York State Representative who has blocked MMA being allowed in that state and has been caught receiving bribes. I close it out coming back to Oklahoma and deal with Sally Kerns, a Republican State Representative who recently introduced three anti-homosexual bills. If you listen you will hear how all of the above are complete douchebags and need to be dealt with by someone far greater than I.

Closing song - Joe Strummer And The Mescaleros - Get Down Moses

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

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