Wednesday, January 28, 2015

John's Song- First Draft

Here are some new lyrics that I wrote today. As it happens I was listening to an old episode of the Razorcake podcast and a band was singing in true punk fashion about a great lie. My mind took that to a different place and I was thinking about saying to my son "I hope you have a great life." I'm not exactly known for writing things that are super positive or really touchy-feely. These words were born as if this were something I would be leaving behind for him, basically as advice for him to live his life by after I've gone. Anyway, this is something I definitely want to put to music and have out there primarily for him. If anybody else likes it then that's a bonus as far as I'm concerned.

John's Song

Whether I live for a hundred years
Or die tomorrow
I just want you to know
I only wish the best for you

Always remember
I hope you have a great life
Whatever you choose to do
Whatever path you take
I hope you have a great life

I'd rather be around for a long time
But I'm unable to choose
There are no promises
No guarantees for anyone
So listen closely to what I say
Take my warning true
Follow what your heart tells you
Do what makes you happy

And always remember
I hope you have a great life
Whatever you choose to do
Whatever path you take
I hope you have a great life

Don't wait for what you want
Have faith in yourself
Go out and make it happen
Don't waste your time your life

Always remember
I hope you have a great life
Whatever you choose to do
Whatever path you take
I hope you have a great life

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.


Gary Rivera said...

una preciosa cancion!!! me ha gustado la letra!

Anonymous said...

I was crying while I was reading this beautiful song!